Sunday, 17 June 2012


I've been thinking about coming back here for a long time. It would be slightly incongruous to call this post an introduction, as I've been here before, and honestly this feels like a total case of déjà vu. 

I'm trying to write this without it sounding like I'm standing up at an alcoholics anonymous meeting. "Hi, my name is Allie and I like whiskey!" 

So, as stated, my name is Allie. I'm a receptionist for a record company in the capital, and I share a flat with the world's worst flatmate, O. Yes, two years later I'm still living with him, although the lease on this place runs out at the end of the year, so things may change then. When I'm not at work I spend time with my two best friends, the gorgeous and witty CJ, and the totally gay and so camp everyone knows it M. 

As it's a Sunday afternoon, we are all in various states of recovery from a trip to the local pub last night. CJ and M crashed at my place, so I have CJ still in my bed, pulling the duvet over her head and telling me she's never drinking again and M smoking cigarette after cigarette on my sofa, demanding he be bought cups of tea and bacon sandwiches. 

Having spent the majority of my late teens and early twenties as a barmaid, I know all too well when to stop drinking, and although I have a slight headache, I am generally feeling as well as can be expected after a night out. 

And now, I have to go and cook bacon and make decent coffee before my friends murder me!

1 comment:

Just a Girl said...

Wow, Allie - a girl who can avoid a hangover? I'm impressed! M sounds like a right laugh!

Looking forward to reading more from you!